
Friday, September 27, 2013

Autumn Foliage ...... And so it begins.

Photos by Bill Fox

The first day of fall is past, the nights and days are getting cooler, the squirrels and other  creatures are building their winter nests.  This time of year is a favorite with me.  I soak in the last warm days and begin my nesting as well. The time honored harvesting and gathering instinct comes out full force in me.  It drives me to preserve those last garden tomatoes and peppers by freezing homemade gumbo and stews. My bringing in autumn branches, dried grass stalks, and the last of the roses and hydrangeas signals that its time to think of decorating the mantel for fall and the front steps with pumpkins and mums.
Below are the beautiful pictures from the camera of Bill Fox.  He is recording the progression of fall color in our  year of 2013.  Thank you Bill.  I am looking forward to sharing your chronicle of Autumn color.

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